Welding In The World Volume 14 No 5/6 1976
Warren C Young
The Steel Construction Institute
The Institute of Welding
Procedure Handbook 13th Edition
The best book is the Procedure Handbook, it covers a wide range of welding
topics including calculations. Its a must for any one seriously
interested in welding. It cost £16 Inc. Postage in 1999, its
available from :-
Anybody seriously interested in engineering calculations should consider a copy of ROARK’S Formulas for stress & Strain, its available from most decent book shops for around £20. I would also recommend the J.G.Hicks book, it covers the calculation requirements for the European Welding Engineer syllabus. Its available from Abingdon Publishing, Abington Hall, Cambridge, England. The Steel Designers Manual is another good book covering a wide range
of structural engineering topics